Who we are

We are a small and active Church of Scotland in north Perth.
Riverside Church includes people from our local neighbourhood and from across Perth united by our shared faith in Jesus Christ.


Our aim is to be a community of prayer, service, hospitality, learning & spiritual growth. Our community gatherings are relaxed and we try to be especially family friendly; come as you are, don’t worry about being late or the kids being noisy. We also value creativity and using our God given gifts and talents.

We believe that every church has the same main vision and mission from God; to share the love and story of Jesus and to help people become his disciples. But each local community decides how to do that in their own time and place.

We are currently working on two large projects to help us serve our community and grow as disciples.

The first is Martha’s Kitchen, which aims to refocus our community work around a new cafe at the centre of our building (Martha’s Kitchen).

The second major project is outreach and the establishment of a Christian community, in Bertha Park (Bertha Park).